1. I was just asked to speak at a networking event at my alma mater. Just 9 months ago I was attending these events as a student seeking employment, and now my campus is asking me to return as a positive example of a successful alumna.
2. As of Friday's paycheck, I now have more money in my savings account than I owe on my credit card.
You guys. I've turned a corner. And you know what? To celebrate, I'm gonna have more tea, fill out this meme, and read more fanfic on this lazy Sunday morning because I'm gonna be an adult, but I'm gonna do it on my terms.
Three names I go by
1. Molly
2. Don
3. Coach D
Three places I have lived
1. Seattle, Washington
2. Portland, Oregon
3. Sacramento, California
Three places I have worked
1. AmeriCorps NCCC Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA
2. The College Success Foundation, Issaquah, WA
3. The New York Association for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, Albany, NY
Three things I love to watch
1. Sunrises
2. Starry skies
3. My cat doing dumb shit
Three places I have been
1. Berlin, Germany
2. Antigua, Guatemala
3. Mount Misery, New Jersey
Three things I love to eat
1. cheese
2. apples
3. popcorn
Three favorite drinks
1. tea (earl or chai)
2. beer
3. lemonade
Three things I am looking forward to
1. Trip to New Zealand in March
2. Large work event I am planning in April
3. My brother's wedding in May