this is the end of the world

Dec 13, 2012 08:58

I woke up in a pretty good mood - even though we had early morning PT, today is our very last day in Cave Junction. I am ecstatic to get the hell out of here. The project has been difficult and not satisfying, and I am edging closer and closer to hitting my break point. I felt so closed in yesterday I walked to town and had a Me Party at the mexican restaurant in town. I needed some SPACE. Living with 9 other people in a single room cabin has me slightly hysterically on edge.

So, I felt good. Only one more day to push through, and then we drive all day tomorrow back to Sacramento. And in Sacramento I will be reunited with my FRIENDS.

We get a food budget in AmeriCorps - it's about $4.25 per person per day all loaded onto a debit card. It's not the lap of luxury, but it keeps us full with all the essentials. Anything beyond the necessary I call a luxury item - and the team members are responsible for buying those for themselves. Example: don't like poverty brand cereal in the big bulk bags? You can buy your own box of nice cereal and write your name on it.

Since giving up meat and then six months later experiencing about 3 months of intestinal issues, I've also decided to give up milk. Not all dairy - just the cow juice kind because I tapered it off and it seems to be helping. And even if it isn't, my brain thinks it is. I've never enjoyed the taste of milk to begin with, and almond milk is so much better. So my luxury item every week is a jug of almond milk, on which I write my initials about 37 times just in case people don't notice the very large MCD on the lid. This week as an extra treat to myself for surviving my first project on my own, I also bought a box of Honey Bunches of Oats and some of my favorite chai tea. And one of the things motivating me through my morning workout in the sub-freezing temperatures was the promise of my favorite cereal in my favorite milk with my favorite tea on the side. YUM.

This is the point in the story where, as you can guess, things fall apart in predictable and spectacular fashion.

We ran out of cow milk yesterday. This morning, one of my teammates not only drank my almond milk, but they left a swig - a FUCKING GODDAMN TABLESPOON - of milk in the container and put it back inside the fridge.

I hit the roof. I remember says, "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?" and throwing the empty jug into the recycling bin (because even in rage I recycle).

I blacked out a little bit and found myself huddled at my desk, earphones plugged in with Muse blaring, staring a hole into my computer screen and hyperventilating.

It's not the big things that can break a person, I think it's consecutive little things that build up until someone drinks your precious almond milk and then you end up in prison for the rest of your life because you stabbed someone with a butter knife and smiled while you did it.

i need help, rants, nccc, americorps, rage

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