Week 6 - Sunrise

Dec 01, 2009 01:53

For an early Christmas present from my adored and adorable boyfriend, I have been gifted the joy of one kitten adopted from the Oregon Humane Society.

He's 2.5 months young, has longish grey/black hair, and has been dubbed Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister. He's the new love of my life. I think Winston is a bit anxious about being in our apartment for the first time, what with all the new smells and sights and noises and lack of sterile everything. And if the timestamp isn't working for you, it's about 2am my time as I type this out, and I just don't think poor Winston is ever going to quit mewing about his wretched life.

Hi, I'm Winston, and I'm too wriggly to hold still for a proper photo.

One minute, he's cuddly as can be, pushing into my hand and climbing all over me and my laptop. The next he is deathly afraid of me, quaking in his fur, shoving himself far under a dresser or bed or chair or whatever. I've never had a kitten outside of the two family cats we've had over the years, and I was under 12 then.

Meeeeeeeoooooooww mew mew mew mew mew mew meeeoow mew mew!!

Sir Winston! If you would please phrase your complaint in the Queen's English, this would be a lot simpler! You have water, you have kitty food, you have a potty that you have only successfully managed to use one out of two times, and you've got toys. It is attention that you need?

Meeow mew mew mew MEEEOW mew mew!

Perhaps. Thing is, Winston ol' buddy ol' pal, I'm exhausted and your mewing is too pitiful to ignore. I know the first night is the roughest but I had really hoped that your first sunrise in this apartment wouldn't be our first sunrise. Know what I mean?

Meeew mew mew MEEW mew meoooooow mew mew mew!

Thing is, you haven't stopped purring for about an hour, which either means you are enjoying this, or are about to die of fright.

Now you are sitting behind the toilet, sleeping while sitting up. If my heart didn't break each and every time you open your kitty mouth, I could get some sleep too.

Being a first time parent is hard, I'll say that. Good thing we started with a cat, eh?

public, ljidol

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