Is it my imagination

May 22, 2010 09:40

Have there been way more spam attacks on communities lately than there used to be?

I know that there were ones that I missed in some of my Sentinel communities (because the mods are so awesome that they deleted and banned before I ever saw them), but today I logged in to see a post trying to sell Hustler, Play Boy, and  Maxim in a slash community for James Bond.

Yes, complete with (thankfully) non-graphic pictures. Unless, of course, you count clearly enchanced cleavage shots as graphic. And no, I'm not against nudity or teh Pr0N, I just want to be able to control when I see it. I'm not interested in seeing busty women first thing Saturday morning when I'm scrolling through my friend's list.

Especially when it is clearly a spam attempt.

Although, it does remind me that I haven't written any het in AGES. And really, the only reason for that is because I can't find a show with a good female lead to do it with. Either they're one dimensional floozies, or they have no chemistry with their male counterparts.

Or, in the case of NCIS, they have forced romantic connections with some and manage to kill off all of the actually interesting female characters.
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