Another 10 Character Meme

May 14, 2010 20:14

Hah! I found one of these that I hadn’t done yet!

Characters picked by me. Positions assigned by random number generator so I didn’t cheat on the writing!

I decided to go with all “Super Hero-ish” characters this time because of the first question.So I picked two (I was kind of drinking when I did this last night. Don't drink and fangirl!) four from Supernatural, four from Buffy, and two from The Sentinel to round out my ten.

First, select your ten fictional characters (from any medium) by whichever method you like best. Then answer the questions below.

1. Crowley (Supernatural)
2. Rupert Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
3. Bobby Singer (Supernatural)
4. Jim Ellison (The Sentinel)
5. Blair Sandburg (The Sentinel)
6. Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
7. Willow Rosenburg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
8. Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
9. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
10. Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

1. Divide the list up by even and odd.

a. Which group of five would make a better Five Man Band (like a Power Rangers team)?

b. Who would you slot in each position: Leader, Lancer (second-in-command), Big Guy, Smart   Guy, The Chick?

c. If you think the team would be improved by swapping one character between the even and odd groups, which ones would you switch?

1.a. And because I picked such awesome characters is that this is difficult, but I’ve got to go with the even on this one. The groups are fairly evenly matched on geek power with Bobby, Blair and Willow facing off against Giles, Sam and Dawn (yes, I’m calling her a brainpower based on Season 7).

The odds have a heavier magic power with Crowley and Willow against Giles and maybe a little Dawn and/or Jim.

But the super powers really favor the even team. With Sentinel senses, Slayer power and Mr. Chosen Vessel - you’ve got a nice spread there. Jim’s senses might not be up to full par with Blair on the other team, but Giles has lots of experience guiding and Dawn’s got some back-up skills in that area.

1.b. For Team Odd:

Leader: Dean Winchester - against his will and with much angst, but somebody has to, right?
Lancer: Bobby Singer - because he always has to mop up after Dean’s hair brained schemes anyway.
Big Guy: Crowley - Because, yeah, he’s going to lay smack down on you with his evil ways.
Smart Guy: Blair Sandburg - sorry Willow, but he actually has his Master’s, and he’s way quick on his
 feet with the obfuscations and the out-of-his-ass guiding ideas.
The Chick: Willow - and not because she’s a girl either. Dean came pretty damn close to being the chick as did Blair and even Crowley.

1.b. For Team Even:

Leader: Jim Ellison - After a brief scuffle with Buffy over it, Jim takes charge because he actually knows how to effectively lead a team of soldiers instead of alienate them.
Lancer: Buffy - because even though she lost, she refuses to be “The Big Guy” on account of the ‘ick’
Big Guy: Sam Winchester. By Default because he actually is huge, but then there are the freaky powers and hunting skills too.
Smart Guy:  Rupert Giles. Obviously.
The Chick: Dawn - because she screams - a lot. And she gets kidnapped.

1.c. Team Even would benefit greatly by trading Dawn for anybody on Team Odd. Sorry honey, you are the weakest link. I’d shy away from Crowley because we all know that he isn’t trustworthy especially away from the watchful eyes of Bobby and Dean.

The addition of Dean would make Sam happy and better. The addition of Blair would make Jim more stable. The addition of Willow would just make them more kick ass, and Bobby? Well it’s Dawn, are you telling me that Bobby and his awesome ball cap of doom wouldn’t be better?

2. Gender-swap 2, 8 & 10. Which character would have the most change in their story arc? Which the least? Would any of these characters have to have a complete personality change to be believable as the opposite sex?

Lol - Giles, Buffy and Dawn…

I think that Buffy would have the biggest change because she wouldn’t be the Slayer, so yeah major change there.

Dawn would have the least amount of change. She’d still be an annoying kid sibling. Pretty much like Jeremy on Vampire Diaries. Actually, let me take that back. She’d be more annoying, because I never sat there actively wishing for Dawn’s death.

Giles would kind of rock as a woman actually…

I think that Buffy’s personality might have to change a bit. I can’t really see a male Buffy going around pouting and worrying about partying. Buffy was conceived as the blonde chick with skills, so she’d have to change to be the vampire hunting dude.

3. Compare the matchups of 1 & 8 and 5 & 9. (Ignore canon sexual preferences for the moment.) Which couple would be more compatible? Which couple would be more plausible to people from either principal's home culture?

Urg, Crowley/Dawn - I think that Excel’s random generator just gave me hives…

I’m really pretty sure that Dean/Blair would be more compatible. Blair is used to calming down the over aggressive, protective hero, and Dean is used to having the competent, brainiac partner. Plus Blair grew up cavorting around the world with his mother. He could easily live out of the Impala. True, Dean would have to get used to looking down instead of up, but otherwise they’d be fairly compatible.

The creepy thing though is that I think Crowley/Dawn is more plausible for the ‘home culture.’ All of her friends date demons. It’s like an accepted practice. All the cool kids do it. And Crowley would probably get some sort of accolade for snaring a not real, human girl that is the sister of the Slayer.

4. Your team is 3, 4 & 9. The mission consists of a social challenge, a mental challenge and a physical challenge. Which team member do you assign to each challenge?

Bobby definitely gets the mental challenge. Sorry boys, you aren’t all that well known for thinking with the upstairs brain all the time.

The physical challenge? Is going to have to go to Dean. He’s younger and doesn’t have a tendency to zone out on pretty Frisbees.

Which leaves Jim Ellison with the social challenge. Uh, he’s probably going to fail at that, but on the upside he had the best chance of all of them to make it. That wasn’t exactly a friendly group of people that ended up in that question.

5. 7 becomes 1's boss for a week in some plausible fashion. How's their working relationship?

Horrible. Crowley tries to usurp Willow at every turn and stresses her out constantly in an attempt to make her go back on the evil magic sauce. Anarchy reigns… which is just how Crowley wanted it anyway.

6. 2 finds him/her/itself inserted into 6's continuity. As far as anyone other than 2 or 6 is concerned, they've always been there. What role would 2 be presumed to have had in 6's story, and could they fit in without going wonky?

Giles would probably be some well meaning librarian that convinced Sam to not become wild and go to Stanford instead of living a life of crime on the road. When real!Giles pops into the reality, he realizes that Sam is fighting evil, and he supports that. Giles could easily fit in, but Dean would hate him because he’d remember that damn librarian in that Californian town where they lived for a while that put that crazy Stanford idea in young Sam’s head.

7. 3 and 5 get three wishes. The catch is that they have to agree on all three wishes before they get the benefits of any of them. What three wishes would they make?

Bobby and Blair? Oh dear…

I think they’d end up with wishing for: The respective idjits in their lives to think before acting, more archaic books of information on supernatural phenomena, a never ending supply of flannel shirts.

8. 1 and 2 are brainwashed by a one-time artifact that works even on people immune to mind control to attack and kill 4. They keep their normal personality, skills and competence level, except any Code vs. Killing has been turned off. Can 4 survive? How?

Bobby and Crowley are teaming up to kill Jim. My first instinct is to say that Jim’s a goner except for the fact that the man survives everything. The helicopter crash alone is a miracle, but he’s gone through worse than that.

I’m guessing he uses his senses to feel Crowley’s demonic presence. He can detect the sulfur from a long way away and his skin and hearing can feel the fluctuations in the air before Crowley uses magical transport to get to him. Using his Ranger training, he plays cat and mouse with the trailing Crowley and manages to get Bobby to shoot his compatriot by accident. With Crowley injured, Jim safely disarms and subdues Bobby. He then miraculously remembers some archaic thing that Blair showed him five months ago and draws a devil’s trap around Crowley to imprison him.

9. 6, 7, 9 & 10 must help an orphanage full of small and depressed children have a merry Christmas. Who does what, knowing that at the very least the kids will be expecting a visit from Santa?

Sam and Willow sit around organizing things. Willow was going to protest at first, but it’s for the kids and all. Dean sits around depressed until he remembers that it’s actually Sam who hates Christmas and there are two hot chicks around that he could mistletoe if he handles the decorations.

Buffy volunteers to cook, and the others let her because they don’t have any better skills in the kitchen. Dinner is a disaster, but the kids are starving, so they are thankful anyway.

Willow and Sam finally realize that their worker bees have gone off without them, so they go last minute shopping for toys. While they’re wrapping the gifts, Sam makes a an impassioned argument that Dean should be Santa, but Willow shuts him down cold by pointing out that Santa isn’t bowlegged. Sam argues that they could say that he was actually riding one of the reindeer instead of hooking them all to his sleigh.

Buffy is horrified at the idea and tries to box Sam’s ears over it, but he’s too tall for her to reach them.

Sam ends up playing Santa. Dean laughs and takes pictures to send to Bobby and Cas. Dean gets to kiss Buffy under the mistletoe, but doesn’t get his hoped for girl on girl kiss even though that ‘Willow chick’ is a total lesbian.

He does end up having to kiss Sam in full Santa gear. Chuck sees it, and makes Becky’s Christmas by writing a snippet about his vision.

10. 3 and 8 are challenged to circumnavigate the Earth in eighty days or less, using only forms of transportation invented before 1900. Can they do it, or will they be fatally distracted by side quests or their own personality conflicts?

Bobby and Dawn? They make it easily. After the fifth day of hearing her whine, Bobby hogties her and won’t let her out of his sight when she finally agrees to behave. Once that is done he makes the deadline with oodles of time to spare. There is a slow bit where he takes on some fascinating hunting jobs in the orient.

sounds like a fic

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