After Seeing...

May 05, 2010 20:31

... a link to a fandom wank about an anti-fic author, I decided that I should publish this very important news snippet:

God would like you all to quit writing fanfic about His creation. This "original" fiction that you are hocking is a clear violation of His copyright on everything. He knows what you are trying to do by changing the species to some "alien race," but let's not forget that He gave you that imagination in the first place. Your Martians and Vulcans are clearly badly disguised humans.

He finds this particularly offensive as humans were made in His image, and therefore you are writing not only fanfic about His creative endeavors, but are also writing RPF about Him.

While He appreciates your interest in His creations by the act of your breathing, eating and continuing to propegate the species, He really must insist that you quit writing these annoying fics and pretending to be creative when you're just ripping off His original ideas.

Thank you for your time.
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