Fun bits and pieces

Jan 18, 2008 19:39

Two nice little titbits:

1) The first two Blue Beetle TPBs, counted together as one title, are on the American Library Association's Great Graphic Novels For Teens 2008. There were 43 titles, chosen from 138 nominations. Should be noted, though, that they've missed John from the credits, crediting Keith and Cully.

That's not the good news.

The good news is that BB made it onto the Top Ten Great Graphic Novels for Teens 2008.

DC tends to let acclaimed titles continue that bit longer, so here's hoping...

2) Seems like Jaime's not the only Beetle the Scarab likes. From Booster Gold #6:

Scarab: They tried to kill Blue Beetle [Ted]. Let's break their skulls.

Jaime: "No. We can't hurt them /that/ bad."

Others, of course, might disagree with Jaime's opinion...


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