Aug 01, 2007 19:23
Well if I just wrote "Closed doors" for the title, it would sound emo, no?
E Math: E Math test on trigo, which was pretty much manageable (: Thank God.
English: Compre, which we were allowed to bring home because we only had one period.
PE: Hip-hop. Sorry but I guess I just can't act cool enough for hip-hop eh.
A Math: More circles.
Recess: Marching. Whoosh I love marching it's so fun. Plus, it's amusing. (Which is ironic I know but just observe our practices and you'll know what I mean.)
SS: SS WAS A FREE PERIOD HAHAHAHA. Okay well it was because the teacher got the timetable mixed up, so she came for the next period, which was supposed to be for Geog. And we were singing hahahaha. SS teacher decided that she would come in after Geog to give us back our test papers.
Geog: Oh and the Geog teacher came in late because the front door was closed and she thought there was a teacher inside -.- Eh whoops. More map work.
Business: Yes we had to rush off for business and not get our SS paper back ):< But I heard no one failed, so that's good to know. Designed the prototype using Freehand and could neither save it in my thumbdrive nor send it to the group email, so it's still on the desktop. Oh well I guess I can make a new one. I sketched out a new one already.
German: Praepositionen again, then revision. Which was very strategically placed, thank goodness.
Well lots of homework today. English compre A Math textbook questions SS video German worksheet Geog worksheet Business prototype study for ting xie on Friday.
I'm scared for consortium outing. I hope it works out somehow.
And I want my SS paper back.