Mar 03, 2012 01:42
Incredibly disjoint title, but really, I was quite literally hungry. I just pray that while my physical hunger is satisfied, my spiritual hunger will grow in intensity. A few analogies popped into my head this evening, from the seed parable to the clay pot story thingum, but I guess this Exodus verse (honestly I could only recall the book offhand) sums it up best:The Lord said to him, "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say."
Exodus 4:12-13
Perhaps it gets to a point where it makes no sense to ask how to tell when you're ready. You're as ready as you let yourself be. From never having attended cell to quarter-leading bible study, there is absolutely no way I could have said everything I said off the top of my head. Only by God's grace did those words come. Perfectionism needs to give way to "let go and let God", pronto.
In other news, also incredibly thankful I have gotten over the temporary moodswinging state. Next up, to stay on top of work because it feels liberating.