Lesson of the day:

Dec 13, 2010 09:34

8. Tolerate Temporary Clumsiness
Have patience. We have to understand that clumsiness or a sense of being de-skilled is an essential and inevitable sign that people are in an active learning process. The way in which you react to the frustration of this period is what can make the difference between seing it as a boring, futile waste of time or a necessary and important stage in the learning cycle. We need to develop this tolerance in ourselves and others, and to create permissive atmospheres for people to make initial errors. This stage may feel like a burden, but it is not - and understanding the learning process means that we can reduce its heaviness and it duration.

- Clarkson, P. (1994). How To Overcome Your Secret Fear Of Failure. London, Great Britain: Vega.

quoted, introspective

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