Jitterbug ♥
Wow I'm listening to J-rock and I don't understand anything but I like the songs ._.
No but really the music pwns much. I think one good thing about listening to songs whose lyrics you don't understand is that you get to concentrate on the music and your head doesn't hurt trying to catch and comprehend all the lyrics at the same time.
(Okay I just hope none of the lyrics are vulgar then.)
EDIT: WTH E MATH WORKSHEETS?!! Okay great maybe I shouldn't have spent this time doing SS project, but uh let's just say it's a great big leap of improvement from last time, and now all I have left is labour force, which shouldn't be too hard?
So tonight I should just spend time on E Math and ting xie. And maybe Chem TYS and random practices. Cannot screw up Mole/ionic equations at all.