Jan 08, 2006 00:15
un-fuckin-believable, a woman comes into work today for color and cut, so its down to her shoulders, and she tells me to cut the top so its only and inch long and alittle longer on the sides so she can push it back...so iam like..hmmmm..mullet. so i say " what about the back" and she says " whatever, i dont have to see the back so just leave it" so it was a spikey mullet. I did it beautifully, holy shit i didnt think i could do a mullet, then she tipped me 20.00, what a fun deal.
Then a client told me how porn stars bleach their assholes, crazy right ?
8-8 wasnt so bad, but Amy quit today and I have to work all by myself, and I have a foil highlight so hopefully it doesnt go to busy.
thats all.