books, books glorious books!

Apr 07, 2012 20:13

But first the following because perverteerno1 has been waiting for a picture like this one for an embarrassingly loooong time. I'm sorry it's taken me so long, my dear, but I assure you they are in a place of utmost respect (on my living room wall ^_^ they will literally be some of the first things I see when I get through the door):

(the 'no regrets, just love' in the middle was made by lavender_love00! I wish you and jst_klo could have seen my apartment when it looked like this and not the disaster it was in January. sigh. oh well)

(also, over to the side next to Rodney is the very awesome Harry/Snape calendar perverteerno1 made for me, too. full of some seriously choice art from various artists who were big in fandom about...6-8 years ago? i love it and i finally have a place to hang it properly!)

Now books!!

Lookit what I did today!! Because clearly I am an overexcited toddler. But my apartment is finally starting to come together (sort of)!

The full-picture (I apologize about the lighting. Its sort of wonky in here)

Books Nooks!

So there's really no real rhyme or reason to what is in which cubby. Though authors are grouped together (see: Laura Ingalls Wilder, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, and Lois McMaster Bujold -- I am still a little ashamed that I don't have a copy of Paladin of Souls)

And DVDs needed to go somewhere...

Yes, I am one of those people that puts dolls/stuffed animals/decorative boxes on their bookshelf. That lovely lady right there is my Felicity doll that I got when I was about 8. I've had her for nearly 20 years and she still has her original head and all her hair. For anyone who has had an American Girl doll, they know what a feat that is. I still have a box filled with all her clothes and little shoes. Did I ever tell you guys the story of when I actually got to GO to the American Girl store in NYC? It was a few years ago and I cried. I was also incredibly indignant that they changed the dress that Felicity originally came in (and also on the cover of Meet Felicity) to something purple. I take my childhood rather seriously, as you can see. ^_^

And resting on their backs on a copies of Ocean and Comic Book Tattoo are Jack and Sally. I have yet to find a place where I can properly display them because they deserve to be out in plain sight. I will figure it out. But in the meantime there they are :):):)

That is (part) of what I did today!

It's really funny because now that so many of the boxes are gone, I am once again realizing just how massive this place is (to me). I really need to find a kitchen table and microwave cart so it looks less...less and is more usable. It's a shame that in its current state I can't use it (and that I really don't have the time.. I think it says something that I've lived here for nearly 4 months and I'm just now getting to properly unpacking. And, you know, depression)

But yeah. The kitchen is the main thing I am saving up for right now. That and a copy of Microsoft Word since I lost mine in the great refiguration of Marten's HD and I NEED IT! And, you know, student loans *grumble grumble*

As I acquire things, though, and continue to unpack and find proper homes for things I will still post pictures.

OH and those aren't even all the books. On the OTHER side of the book nook are all the books for school, journals, various figurines, and cookbooks. Because the bookshelf is wide enough that both sides can be used. I am so fucking happy. I now have a much smaller bookshelf that is completely empty that I have no idea what to do with (it is also nearing its end of life. It won't make it through another move. So basically this just means I have space for more books ^_^)

books, booksbooksbooks, books!

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