Jan 28, 2012 13:49
Because I cannot keep the story going if the end of weekend 3 isn't perfect (I will seriously get over weekend 3 one day, I swear) and then the text messages that happen after and the fight that needs to happen although now I'm wondering if the absence of the scene will actually have a larger impact. And then all the medical stuff has to be fixed.
Basically the 12K I wrote last Sunday has to be gone over with a fine-toothed comb now :P
But then! Then there will (hopefully) be More Good Stuff. Which means angst. Yay angst!
I think it's time to listen to Rufus. Rufus is good for the editing. Plus Rufus just makes me STUPIDLY happy.
You know what else will make me stupidly happy? Finishing this stupid motherfucking fic. So back to editing!