Jan 02, 2010 21:53
Today while I was walking up the basement stairs at work, my knee made a strange bubbly/scrunchy noise. Slightly freaked out.
I don't like New Years' Resolutions. There's too much stigma attached to them and this idea that you HAVE to make one otherwise you are totally lame. And besides, this is something I've been thinking about for a few weeks, now, anyway.
I'm going to try to go back to doing the diabetic exchange. I really liked it last time I did it and thanks to the Mayo Clinic, I've found some recipes that I will eat and I can actually make. 'Cause I do actually like cooking it's just that most recipes are intended for 6-8 people and it's just me. I'm going to start easy : I'm going to make Chili tomorrow. It's loads of servings, but it's something that will keep all week and it's comfort food for me. And it's tailored to diabetic exchange.
Another thing I'm trying out is making an actual budget. Basically, I'm allowing myself $80/week. I know it doesn't sound like a lot but it's something I need to do and I feel pretty good about it. Especially if I start cooking again. Ingredients are so much cheaper than pre-prepared meals.
I'm not ready to classify myself as a compulsive over-eater. I think I'm a bored eater. If I'm bored, I eat. This is NOT GOOD. So, it's back to doing sudoku when there's nothing to do and I don't feel like reading. Clearly, I need a new fandom to lose myself in so that I'm not bored anymore.
Exercise will factor in eventually. I figure I should get my food sorted out first. Mom suggested taking a 5 minute walk a day to start out and I can do that on my lunch break, easy. So baby steps, for sure. It's stupid to say that I'm doing this to be healthy, not to lose weight because that's a given -- if I eat better, I will lose weight and thus be healthier. Given my height (5'0"), I should be (according to the professionals) between 106-120 lb. I would certainly be thrilled with 140. But yeah, I am overweight to an unhealthy degree and I need to fix it. And I know that I use my fat to keep people away.
Anyway. I need to make some changes. This isn't a resolution. This isn't, "I have to lose those last 5 pounds" It's, "I would like to live to see my 30th birthday". Perhaps a tad dramatic, but there we have it.
Now, I'm going to go spray the bathtub and finish my shopping list. Once the bathroom is clean, I might feel up to cleaning the living room and then I can call the house manager and tell him my bathroom window is broken and he needs to come fix it 'cause it's turning my apartment into a freezer. But I'm so embarrassed by how dirty the bathroom has gotten in the last few weeks.
New routines. I need to make new routines. The current ones suck ASS.
*Enormous Penis by Da Vinci's Notebook is the best Pick Me Up Song EVER.
captain obvious,
putting on my big girl panties,