(no subject)

Sep 24, 2014 23:09

I'm so epically bad at posting, I couldn't even get to day 7 of the meme.

Ah well.

I'll just do a life update instead.

Major development, I am now an honorary auntie. Oldest friend gave birth to a little girl last night. We'll call her C. I have yet to meet the little cherub, but I've already staked my claim as the cool fun aunt. I'm working on godmother, but we'll see how that goes. I only want the gig as I visions of myself as female Don Corleone. "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."

After 25 years of friendship, I think it's either godmother or naming the child after me. That hasn't happened. So we'll go with option a. :D

Work is work. Enjoying being a careers advisor and convincing one of my staff to study creative writing and not history so I may live vicariously through her. Very much looking forward to my week off, just so I can rest my foot.

Did I tell you about my foot?

I'm such a tool.

Back in July, I went out with some of the girls from work. I wasn't supposed to, but we drank a little to much at dinner and the night continued.

I, twat that I am, slipped and fell on the dance floor and hurt my foot. Except, it wasn't just a little painful. I literally couldn't walk. Queue a 20 minute argument between me and my staff about why I shouldn't go to the emergency room at 1:30am. I lost.

6 hours later, after a mild rant at the asshole guy in front of me about why his incessant complaints about the staff were doing nothing to help his case. (Turns out he's a regular at the weekend after one too many Corona. That particular night he couldn't work out whether he'd been bitten or bottled?!? What kind of fuckwit doesn't know if a person has bitten them, or slashed them with a broken bottle?) An inconclusive X-Ray I was dismissed with a set of crutches, an appointment at the fracture clinic, and a taxi number.

Needless to say when my Mum got home from her week away that afternoon it was an interesting conversation. Only rivalled by the one we had when she returned from a weekend away to find a traffic cone in our downstairs toilet.

Fracture clinic gave me a boot and reassurances that it was merely sprained. My toes went black and I limped everywhere for a good month.

It's supposed to be healed by now, but I think all the running up and down at work is exasperating it. So nurse friend, (heretofore known as N, since I'm trying to keep posts unlocked) has told me to go back to the doctor. I am, under mild protest.

I'm also hoping to put my D.I.Y goddess crown on and get my Mums bungalow decorated. But I'll tell you all about that misadventure another time because it deserves it's own post.

my not so crappy life, work, friends, honorary auntie

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