Title: Divergence
Rating: Just to be safe, NC 17
Pairing: Luke/Noah
Spoiler/Warning: Spoilers up through the enlistment story arc and forward
Warnings: M/M , Language
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT, P&G, CBS, etc. I'm not making money from this, don't sue, etc.
Author’s Notes: During the whole enlistment arc in Luke and Noah's story is when I realized that the writers of ATWT are on crack. I kept thinking that I could have done so much better with the story. So I thought about it and 30 pages of outline later, I started writing. This is the result. This is Luke and Noah’s storyline from the enlistment arc forward. How I would have liked to see it unfold.
Summary: There are consequences to your actions. Sometimes learning to live with those consequences teaches you things about yourself. Like how strong you really are.
Author's Note: While I'm using NANOWRIMO to finish DIvergence, here is something a lot of you have been asking questions about.
"As he reaches his car, Luke’s steps stutter for a second as he sees the envelope stuck under the wiper on his windshield. Feeling the anger surge up in side of him, Luke roughly snatches it, the wiper making a squeak of rubber on glass as it’s pulled upwards with the envelope....Sliding his fingernail under the flap, he rips open the seam along the side and reaches inside.
The reaction is immediate and visceral." - Divergence 52
"Noah looks at the papers fanned out across the surface and gathers them together, his eyebrows furrowing and then rising in alarm as he realizes what he’s looking at.
Grasping blindly at a chair, he nearly falls into it as he stares at the papers in his hands. “Oh, Luke. Oh my god.” " - Divergence 53