hello, there.

Oct 10, 2006 12:40


People like mail. "Snail mail", handwritten letters in their mailboxes, especially for them. A personal break from the bills and fliers and junkmail; a tactile alternative to email. Letter writing may be a dying art (or "sport", as a certain Mr. DivaBat might call them), but it is still an appreciated form of communication.

Aerogram(me)s are a type of postal stationery - basically writing paper and an envelope merged into one. You write your letter on one side, fold it up and gum it down, write the addresses, and mail it off. Postage is already paid for, and you can send internationally no matter where. (I do not know if aerogrammes are also usable within countries; they're meant to be airmailed.) Not many people know of their existence nowadays, or still use them, but they are incredibly simple and handy things to use.

The Aerogramme Project aims to bring back the usage of aerogrammes and also help connect people from all around the world. By letter-writing through aerogrammes, we can reclaim a section of a "dying art" and in that way revive interest in mail and letters.

How To Participate

The current plan is to have circles of between 3-5 people of varying countries. Everyone in the circle sends an aerogramme to each other by a specified mail-in date.

The limitations of aerogrammes do not allow for lengthy discourse or for attachments of any kind (even stickers). However, there is still plenty of creative potential for aerogrammes. You can write, doodle, create art, play games...anything goes!

To be part of a circle, email me at divabat@gmail.com with the subject "Aerogramme Project" and the following:

LJ Name/Website:
Email Address:
Postal Address:

I will then collate the circles and email you each other's postal details, as well as a mail-in date.

You don't have to be a LJ user to be part of The Aerogramme Project. Anyone is welcome. I'd appreciate hearing how you heard about this project too :)

Deadline for entries for Round 1 is: OCTOBER 31ST 2006

Also please pass the word on! We need all sorts of people from all around the world to participate. The more the merrier.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment or email.

Happy Writing!"

from divabat
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