Update? What Update?

Dec 19, 2004 21:26

So I finally decided to update. Go me!

Ok where to start... I suppose I should address some things on "The Test." The ones who passed it were Lance and Tristan. I knew the results of it already, and didn't even need to include them, but out of all my friends in real life and online both, there were a very few that I felt I wanted to test to determine if they're a true friend or not. One person had failed it, but upon seeing my last entry, messaged me. I was a bit angry at them, and said I was busy and set my status to busy. It was sort of an extra credit assignment, and he passed with flying colors. He messaged me again later, rather than waiting for me to message him (which honestly I would not have done). We talked and everything is cool, again. The only worry I have is that these results came from the fact that I sort of pushed him into wanting to actually talk to me because he felt like he needed to. Wether he actually has anything to do with me independently from now on is yet to be seen.

So, enough of the drama shit. Admissions office from the Institute of Arts called Friday, and I talked to Maria for a good thirty minutes or more about my goals and ambitions, while she gathered information. Overall, she's pretty positive I'm getting in, and wants me to have my application in my January 14th. I can start in either April, July, or October. I have no idea which of those months I want to start, to be honest. I don't have much to prepare for since the condo I'd live in is already furnished. The only thing I really desire to do before I leave is spend as much time with my friends here as possible, build a new computer, upgrade my laptop, and buy a car. I know for a fact that October would be way too far off, so that is out of the question. Either way I have less than a year left here and then I'm gone except for holidays.

Lance stayed last night. We messed around on the computer and played Magic. I built a mono-blue deck which he said was "stupid", but I won every game I played against him last night with it. That's a complete turn around, and I'm definitely keeping that deck. I need to get some March of the Machines though, so I can take care of his Affinity deck which I'm sure he'll use next time. I also plan to get the card from Betrayers of Kamigawa that returns all artifacts to their owner's hand for 3U. No idea if it's Sorcery or Instant, or Arcane (probably Arcane). It would definitely buy couple turns or more because they would have to re-lay all their artifact lands. Anyway that went well. After that I had him play a Doom 3 map I made, but the lag of my laptop halted him eventually because it was no fun, even with God Mode on.

Around 11 I decided to go to sleep as I've been sleeping pretty normally lately. He stayed up for a while and messed around. I woke up the next morning and he had already left, and then later went to my grandparents for dinner. Got online after I got back, messed around, got offline and worked on Scourge: Lunar Eclipse Map02. I got back on and Joris was online and I was really happy because I haven't talked to him forever. He had to go and so did I, so I got offline again, went to Walmart, and then came back, and thus here I am. And before I close this entry, I shall post the deck that I beat Lance with badly last night. Keep in mind: Never call a deck stupid, or underestimate it, because you'll be surprised what some things can do.

Don't ask.dec

25 land
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
24 Island

3 creatures
2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
1 Memnarch

32 other spells
3 Squelch
3 Thoughtbind
3 Serum Visions
3 Echoing Truth
3 Hinder
3 Hisoka's Defiance
3 Thirst for Knowledge
3 Mana Leak
3 Annul
2 Vedalken Shackles
1 Helm of Kaldra
1 Shield of Kaldra
1 Sword of Kaldra
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