(no subject)

Aug 20, 2004 21:17

your porn star name (name of your first pet + the street you grew up on): "Mr. Tickles Dartmouth"

your movie star name (name of your favourite snack food + your grandfather's first name): "Dorito Dave"

your fashion designer name (first word you see on your left + your favourite restaurant): "Evil Bruno's" [LOL]

socialite alias (your silliest childhood nickname + town where you were born): "Rashy Sac(ramento)" [eeeew!.]

"fly girl" alias (first initial + first two or three letters of your last name): "A. Abr"

icon alias (something sweet within sight + any liquid in the kitchen): "Grape Water" [BAHA]

detective alias (your favourite baby animal + where you went to high school): "Bear Livermore." [Lame]

barfly alias (last snack food you ate + your favourite drink): "Dorito Coffee."

soap opera alias (your middle name + the street where you first lived): "Lee Robaciuad Dartmouth"

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