Character sheet for Abbey

Sep 28, 2011 16:05

(Format taken with permission from Treue of TLF) Pronounced: Just as it sounds.

Nick Names: Abbey, Gale, Free bird, Sparrow

Title: Tracker, The Escaped Sparrow

Prefix: Tracker

Birthday/Sign: October 13, Libra

Class/Specialization: Rogue, Assassination/Combat

Race: Sin'Dorei

Gender: Female

Age By Appearance: Early twenties, sometimes younger.

Physical Structure: Her body is thin, agile and smaller than most of her race, It may at times make her look not as imposing as she might be. She is well muscled and lithe, her legs being more muscular than her arms.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 118 lbs

Hair Color: A Blue-Black. Which is a deep, dark black with bluish undertones.

Hair Style: Her hair is long, usually braided and left long down to her rear. When not in a braid it is wavy and full. It has strips of leather woven within it, and the strips of leather have feathers and carved bone woven or fastened within them.

Eye Color: Her eyes are a lighter green, as most of her race's are. Her eyes are lined with dark liner, their glow giving them an odd look of being drawn.

Skin Color: Her skin is fairly tan as she is out in the sun for long periods of time as she lives in the wilderness.

Skin Texture: Her skin is supple and firm, young and well taken care of to a point. The soles of her feet are  calloused, perhaps from walking as well as being without shoes as she enjoys it. Her hands are marked by leather oils, scars, burns and other cuts and abrasions.

Identifying Marks: (Piercings) Her ears are pierced thrice, with the first in her earlobes being 15.9mm gauges. (Scars/Tattoos) There are no longer any identifying marks to be seen on her as far as tattoos. Previously there had been. There are small scars about her hands and feet, but mainly from hunting/skinning/fighting.

Nail Style: Her nails are short and well taken care of to an extent. At times they may be slightly dirty beneath.

Teeth Style/Color: Her teeth are in very good condition and it seems she has taken care in maintaining a pearly white color.

Scent: One would have to be very close to her, but she smells of leathers, grass and the outside, and other unidentifiable herbs.

Voice: Quiet, soft and almost childlike, with a deeper tone to it. Almost as if a younger girl were trying very hard to sound like an adult.

Accent: Her Thalassian accent seems to be very carefully hidden unless she is angry. She speaks orcish very well and seems to slip in some sort of tribal words, obviously overheard from A'shen.

Manner of Speaking: Soft spoken unless she's angered. She has a more serious tone, but it more or less sounds like an angered child.

Posture: Excellent posture, confidence.

Manner of Motion: Careful steps, quiet and deliberate. She would not falter as she keeps her gaze before her and is able to see most things in front of her that would pose as an obstacle even in the slightest way. Quiet over speed is her method.

Professions: Skinner, leather worker.

Items not seen in game: Pouches and other items on her belt, feathers attached to strips of leather and woven through her hair.

Common Habits: Appearing or disappearing from the shadows or through the clouds of a smoke bomb.

ooc, thoughts, reflections

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