((OOC Welcome post.))

Jun 01, 2015 17:36

Thanks for coming to read my little part of the inter webs dedicated to my character Abbeygale Shadesong on the Wyrmrest Accord role playing server of World of Warcraft. If you read my journal and find me out in the world (of Warcraft) please do not meta-game things you read here. That will irritate me and make me not want to role play with you. I'm a fairly agreeable person, but I don't like having to not rp with people because they "cheat" in a sense. It makes me a sad Pandaren.

A little about Gale;

Gale is a very odd rogue. She doesn't particularly enjoy killing, but she does enjoy sneaking around and generally being dark and mischievous. She's playful, friendly and most times she is very agreeable. She does have her moments, her dark side that comes through, however. Since I am boring and I will edit this particular post later on, I will copy-pasta my myroleplay profile here:

Her eyes are lined with dark liner, their glow giving them an odd look of being "drawn". Her face is young looking and at times, it can seem as if she is looking through you.

Her dark raven tresses are long and often times pulled back with strips of leather, as well as smaller strips of leather being wound within braids. There are beads, claws of various animals and flowers within the braids as well.

Her body is thin, agile and smaller than most of her race, It may at times make her look not as imposing as she might be. Her ears are pierced thrice, with the first in her earlobes being 15.9mm and made of intricately carved bone.

She smells lightly of leather, herbs and earth.

Unfortunately I've had to lock almost all entries to friends only because there are people that don't understand how to interact in a social setting. And are prone to stalking others or attempting to find out real life information :( However, you can feel free to send the character questions through "her" forumspring account. Questions are answered IC'ly.

i talk too much, ooc, hai thurr!

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