Title: This Above All (Chapter 2: Scotty and Uhura)
Rating: T
Word count: 812 (this chapter)
Warnings: none…
Pairings: Scotty/Uhura (this chapter). Because.
Summary: Five times Jim Kirk went all Shakespeare on his crew, and one time they went all Shakespeare back on him.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek because STAR TREK OWNS EVERYTHING. (Did I ever mention my puns are kinda lame?)
A/N: Set sometime after A Taste of Armageddon, maybe before Space Seed.
A normal day at work. A delightful holo-message from home.
An evening rendezvous on the deserted - by chance? - observation deck.
She knew that the no-fraternization rules were inviolable, and kept - by none, incidentally, so rigorously as the captain - inviolate; tonight, Nyota let herself dare to hope.
He came to her out of the shadows - dressed, like her, in evening wear - and offered her his arm; they walked together to a secluded corner of the deck, where among the sofas he had somehow managed to install a table.
"Miss Uhura," he breathed, offering her a delicate, delightfully cold glass.
"We are off duty, Scotty," she said slightly reproachfully, taking it.
"Nyota," he said, his Scottish accent sending a gentle thrill through her - as if this was how it had always been meant to be; as though something had just slid softly into place.
She sipped the drink; it was chilled coffee - smooth, creamy, dark and sublime, and she closed her eyes in bliss.
"Ah'm sorry," said Scotty ruefully over her rapture, "that ah couldnae lace that with a wee bitta brandy."
Nyota found herself giggling. "Oh, Scotty. The captain knows all about your 'secret' still down in engineering, and so does everyone else - you can be sure of that."
"Aye, lassie - but on the observation deck!"
She sipped again and sighed.
"Be that as it may, Scotty - this coffee is the best I've had since our last shore leave on Earth. It's a rare pleasure, to indulge oneself in a brew made with the real Arabica."
He smiled, shy but genuine. "Ah'm glad ye like it, Nyota."
Neither quite knew how they'd realized it, but it was then that both became suddenly aware of the presence on the deck of someone else.
The chief engineer opposite her leaped up in a blend of bewilderment and fury; he was stilled by the emergence of a silhouette out of the dark.
A statuesque silhouette. A chiseled profile. A regal charm in the controlled stride.
Golden hair.
Golden eyes.
He walked forward to greet them, a gentle smile playing about his lips.
"Lieutenant," he said in a tone that was rich and deep and fond; "Commander," he added, and neither felt they had ever been more loved.
"Have we no wine here?" continued the captain in a voice that remained fond, but now contrived as well to imply jest - and as though by conjury a little crystal bottle appeared on the table between them. "Really, Scott - did you really think I'd look askance at a snifter or two among responsible people? I didn't realize I had that sort of Captain-Big-Fearsome-Brown-Bear image."
"No, sir - golden," ventured Nyota, and was rewarded with a radiant smile that made him appear truly so.
"And," he went on, inclining his head to her, "on such an occasion as this, no one with any decency could have the heart to object."
Did he know? Well, he was Captain Kirk - of course he knew; he made it a point to know.
"Happy birthday, Miss Uhura," said James Kirk, lifting and touching his lips to her hand. "To not only the best communications officer in the fleet, but a fine, strong and true lady."
She had barely managed to thank him before he simply vanished.
For a moment she thought of calling him the Cheshire Captain, because from wherever it was he withdrew, he always left a trace of his smile.
Later that night, much later - after Scotty had shyly given her a beautiful pair of earrings and proceeded equally shyly to escort her to her quarters - Nyota found herself wandering in engineering, feeling the surging, rushing power of the Enterprise's engines through her pristine walls. She, the Enterprise, was what kept Scotty going - and, of course, Scotty was what kept the Enterprise going. Scotty truly loved the ship, but curiously enough it was not amorously that he treated her. Nay, he was simply content to adore her, to be responsible for her upkeep, to fight for her as a knight for a queen, wear her colours and bask in her splendour -
As though he knew - as Nyota knew as she rounded a bulkhead to behold a huddled golden form in a corner - that the Lady's passion was reserved for, and returned in full, burning measure by, someone else.
The captain was awake, his head resting wearily against the wall; but his eyes were focused at a distance unknown, and he did not see her. For the first time she saw far beyond his smiling, comforting exterior; to her, he suddenly looked small and vulnerable and wise beyond his years, and she longed to fetch a fleece blanket and tuck it around his shoulders.
When was Jim Kirk's birthday? Nyota didn't know - but she knew as surely as she saw him curled there that he would, and would continue to, spend it alone.
A/N: Oh Jim. *cuddles him and covers him with fleece blanket*
Also, COFFEE. Yes, I find it hot - hotter than wine. Weird, I know.
Also, shy!Scotty ftw.
By Jupiter! forgot.
I am weary; yea, my memory is tired.
Have we no wine here? - (Coriolanus Act I, Scene IX)
Chapter 3