Dec 10, 2008 01:52
No. Certainly not.
I… I have killed… One person… I couldn’t even tell you their name, but I’ll never forget their face. I had no real reason to kill them, no personal grudge against them. I didn’t even know them.
We were in a war, so people were killed on either side, but… After that day, I began to question everything that had been drilled into me as I was growing up. All of the beliefs my mother had, all of the things my cousin said… And then everything my brother had said that I didn’t think about at the time. I realized that what I was fighting for was wrong. The person that I killed had nothing to do with the war, other than the fact they were different than us, unequal in ‘our’ leader’s eyes.
That was probably more information than was necessary, or that you wanted…
My point is that if you kill someone, it will haunt you for the rest of your life. If you can live with someone’s death on your conscious, then you can’t be fully human, or there is something fundamentally wrong with you.