Los Alamos Residents Can’t Return Home Saturday
"12:25 p.m. 6/30/11 -Los Alamos residents are going to have to wait a little longer to go back home.
Police and fire officials told a noon press conference that residents are not going to be able to return to the town Friday or Saturday, because of the proximity of the fire.
Los Alamos Fire Chief Doug Tucker said that although the anchors on State Roads 4 and 501 have held, the fire is too active for residents to return, and it has started moving down Los Alamos Canyon."
"The Las Conchas Fire, which has been burning near Los Alamos since Sunday, has burned nearly 100,000 acres, which would make it the largest wildfire in New Mexico history. There is still only 3 percent containment reported."
http://www.abqjournal.com/main/2011/06/30/abqnewsseeker/updated-las-conchas-fire-nearly-90000-acres.html Wildfire Inches Closer To Los Alamos National Laboratory:
"Using flames and the nuclear waste in the same sentence is no good"
http://www.39online.com/newsfix/kiah-newsfis-en-fuego-story,0,3777219.story "But environmental officials warn that the danger is not over. Along with what's actually on lab property, there is concern about what's in the canyons that surround the sprawling complex. Nuclear tests were performed in the canyons dating back to the 1940s; so-called "legacy contaminations."
"The trees have grown up during that timeframe, and the soil can also be contaminated. If they get heated and that stuff goes air borne, then we are concerned," Rita Bates of the New Mexico Environment Department said."