Feb 09, 2018 02:48
Friday, join us for Opening Night, Escapade’s dance party where we don’t just play music, we dance to vids! We boogie to great dance vids from your favorite fandoms, new and old. Just vidded Hamilton? What about classic Star Trek? Classic Trek to a song from Hamilton? Do you have old MFU vids on DVD that you’d like to send us, or have you just spotted a great MFU movie vid on Youtube? Let us know!
We’ll be selecting the show for diversity of fandoms, diversity of vidders, and good musical flow. We welcome vids of any era, including old VCR vids (provided we can find a high enough quality digital file). We’d love to include more vidders outside of Escapade/Vividcon/Festivids circles whose work the Escapade audience might be missing out on. Let us know about your old favorites and undiscovered gems or just the fandoms you’d love to see included and the songs you’d love to dance to.
Whether it’s a famous classic or somebody’s first vid, if you want to dance to it, we want to hear about it.
Send ideas and suggestions to Franzi: fdickson@ix.netcom.com
Don’t be shy: rec us something!
dance party