The Escapade Dealer Room offers a variety of opportunities to drop a little cash picking up fannish memorabilia, zines, fan-oriented clothing and jewelry, and more! With open hours during all three days of the con, the dealer room is a great way to spend some time between panels. Don’t forget to bring cash!
Jim Rondeau: Jim & Melody’s Antique Fanzines
~~Fanzines! Art! Stuffed animals! More!
sian1359: A Wrinkle In Time
~~tees, POPs, photos; misc licensed tv & movie memorabilia
Mildly Wicked: Math Minded Magpie & Sada’s Crystal Matrix
~~Fantastic jewelry of the nerdy persuasion
Doctor Beth’s Fanzines New and Old
~~New Fanzines: Star Trek Beyond Gen Novel “That’s Just Typical”, Star
Trek K/S “Devotion” plus many used fanzines. Will also buy collections
and estates.
And our Orphan Sales table, offering convention merchandise, and
whatever else shows up!
Check out out dealer room page for hours, details on orphan sales, and more: