Escapade Raffle & Swap Table Info

Feb 04, 2017 21:02


We love getting donations for the raffle!  What do we want, you ask? Anything new or nearly new that a fellow fan would love: dvd sets, tech stuff, custom fannish items, m/m books-use your imagination!


Fannish Slash Swap Meet, or I used to love it, now it’s your turn!

What to bring for the Slash Swap Table: Fannish items that you have too many of or have no further need for.  Bring them and let another fan give them a good home.  Attendees (your fellow fans) love things like genre magazines, old fanzines, action figures, used but still good dvd sets, etc, etc…

What not to bring: VHS tapes - we can’t recycle them, either. We sympathize with not wanting to throw them out, but that’s what will happen to them, and we’d rather you did it at your house.

Het (m/f) romance.  We get an overabundance, and can’t store it so we’re trying to rebalance the slash swap meet back toward the slash side of things.

Remainders of your self-published book.  We don’t want to recycle these, either.

news, escapadecon raffle, swap meet

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