Announcing the Scholarship Recipients & an Invitation to Contribute to the Fund

Feb 23, 2016 02:47

The people who received a full or partial scholarship this year include: Aral, Corrigan Vaughan, and Kuwdora: one long-time attendee, one newer attendee, and one first-time attendee.

Your contributions have supported many attendees over the years, from maintainers of fannish archives, lists, and communities to fanfic writers and vidders. Scholarships introduce new fans to Escapade, and bring back long-time attendees who may have some unexpected financial issue that impeded their plans to attend.

You still have time to make a (much-needed) donation to the fund.

Please donate by Paypal (to, by check (made out to Escapade; send to 264 Santa Monica Way, Santa Barbara, CA 93109), or by pledge via email to (You must be an attendee to pledge; you can pay when you arrive at registration). The scholarship fund is a bit short this year, so your contribution is especially welcomed. (As always, if we receive more than is needed, we will put it into the reserve for next year.)

Any amount you can give, from $10 to $10,000, helps tremendously. It helps programming, especially this year, when folks like Calysta had to cancel last minute and leave us with six panels moderator positions to fill! It helps fans. It helps the con, since the scholarship recipients volunteer to assist during the weekend. And of course, it helps your karma.

As always, 100% of your contributions go directly to recipient expenses like airfare, hotel, and food expenses, if needed.

Welcome to our scholarship recipients, and enjoy the con one and all.

scholarships, announcements, news, escapadecon

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