Profic, Fanfiction and Filing off the Serial Numbers

Mar 14, 2012 10:34

Dear Author is going to be posting a series of articles on Fanfiction.

While we were at Escapade, Dear Author had a New post with a rather frightening number of comments. (It had three different topics that were all important and sort of exploded.) When I saw it that Saturday I thought, darn that could have lead to some interesting discussion yesterday.
That was:

One of the discussion threads in those comments was about fanfiction being repurposed and professionally published.

On March 6th, there was an announcement about a 6 book series of Regency romances, from the author's blog, "My next project is a 6-book series called The House of Brady. The series will follow the adult romantic lives of each of the siblings in a blended family. The first book is about Lady Marcia. The next will be Gregory’s story. Then Jana’s, Peter’s, Robert’s, and Cynthia’s!!!"

No really, it's here, scroll down to the OMG pink book cover:

And then in the last week or so there's been a big surge in publicity for 50 Shades of Grey which is repurposed Twilight fic that's been acquired by Vintage, an imprint of Random House. Yesterday Dear Author had a post comparing the two stories, and a good discussion in the comments talking about fanfiction.
That's located here:

All of this was leading up to a post today, from Sunita, How I Came to Appreciate Fan Fiction, in which she introduces a series of posts:

(1) Has from The Bookpushers will talk about fan fiction, the importance of fandoms, and the thorny issues raised by commercialization.

(2) Four authors who have been active as readers and writers in fan fiction communities will participate in a roundtable post in which they talk about how they started writing, how they separate fan fiction from their original fiction, the role of fandoms and communities, and what they see as the most important issues for the genre.

(3) Jayne will have a special fanfic-related movie review on Friday.

(4) Jane will talk about plagiarism, copyright, and other legal aspects of the fan v. original fiction debate.

(5) Sarah Frantz and I will have a conversation about the special relationship of fan fiction and m/m romance.

And finally, we are very, very fortunate to have Rebecca Tushnet as a guest to answer questions about legal and ethical issues in writing and disseminating fan fiction.
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