May 09, 2004 12:47
taken from peoples journals, so bad
Name four bad habits you have:
1. smoking
2. crying
3. keeping feelings inside
4. eating ice..
Name 3 things that you wish you had:
1. lip ring
2. someone special
3. tattoo
Name four scents you love:
1. gum
2. french fries
3. gas stations. :-\
4. incents
Name four things you'd never wear:
1. diaper
2. granny undies..yuck
3. poodle skirt
4. pastel pink..not a happy person.
Name four things you are thinking about right now:
1. tv
2. cars
3. making another website
4. six flags
Name four things that you have done today:
1. woke up
2. had a smoke
3. ate some & fries, lol
4. drew a picture
Name the last four things you have bought:
1. pack of newports
2. fries from wendy's
3. ticket to Van Hellsing
4. glowstick ^^
Name four people you would like to spend more time with:
1. Monique
2. Dee
3. Taylor
4. Stacia
Name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
1. Enigma
2. Sarah Brightman
3. Yoko Kanno
4. DJ Mystik
Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. Ice/Water
2. Sprit
3. Bacardi Silver (when i have chance)
4. Cola
Name the last four people you have kissed/been kissed by:
1. Mommy
2. Me..(i had a booboo =_=')
3. Johnny
4. Josh
Name four random facts about yourself:
1. I like silver sharpies
2. I'm lonely
3. I use to be a cheerleader (YUCK!)