Had an interesting Friday; went to Uwajimaya my favorite HUGE Asian foods store and played my own version of Marco Polo.
Step 1: You run around in the store and pick out all the things on the shelves that 'look good/neat/funny/tasty' when in fact you have no clue what they are because you can't read the package.
Step 2: Sit and have lunch!
Sadly I bought a package of soup stock (I think...) and something that was so rock hard that I believe it needed to be steamed. The rest of the stuff was very yummy and colorful, albeit bean paste. The cashier gave me a funny look, so I don't think I'm the only person in town that plays this game :-)
Missed my dentist appointment on purpose (do you blame me?)
Watched "The Safety Of Objects" (4 stars) an excellent drama where Timothy Olyphant expounds on the fact that people get so attached to their "things" that when some whim of life takes them away they act like someone they know has died. Those feelings should be saved for when someone you know DOES die - shouldn't they? What happens when everyone starts to treat the people around them just like another object they own? One character remarks "You don't have a phone? Isn't that illegal?" To which they dryly reply "No I don't have a phone, or a TV or a radio - does that make me a bad person?"
Went dancing at the Mercury with my friends Shayna and Steven, whose little vintage store keeps them so busy they rarely ever get to go out. Ran into
markedformetal but only got to talk to her for a total of about 45 seconds (*sigh*) hopefully everyone will want to go dancing again next week because the DJ was playing really great music.