I spoke to a gal at GCH and we did some financial math. I make too much money (heh) to be able to qualify for state health assistance. I should've known, since I had previously discovered that I don't qualify for Medicaid.
So, I'm going to persevere, at my own pace. Do research. Find out when I can do for insurance, what I can afford for insurance. The Marketplace portal isn't open for enrollment yet. I will do what I can until that becomes available.
Good intentions, right? These programs were put in place to help people, but not everyone who needs it.
I'll figure it out. Until then, I'll keep communication open with my fellow AAs. I'm not the only one who has had to go through this.
...why does the date on this website look like it's in Russian...
Anyway, I hope I don't get yelled at tomorrow at work. Monday sucked. I had a bad mental health day. I got angry too often. Cried in front of manager T.G. I didn't get as much done as I should have. And, one of our star cooks came in fucked up on some kind of upper. They slapped his hand and sent him home for the day. I was going to stay late to finish prep, but his negative focus was immediately on me (a little self-inflicted). So, I explained that I couldn't work with him and folks understood when I said I was going to go home on time.
That being said, I am grateful for the guys and G in the kitchen. They hold me up, even when they don't realize that they're lifting. I really hope Chef D.R. doesn't scold me. I don't even know what I'll say to him. It'll just sound like a repeat of the first time I fucked up.
And I need to remember to eat breakfast. Not just a fucking banana. I'm sick of eating bananas.
Fuck you, banana.