I am re-reading Lord of the Rings and having writting more of late I see Tolkin's style and how insanly cleaver, smart and thoughtful he was. Unlike some other living writters he will go into such vivid detail about mundane things that give the page, characters and that object life. Granted he was a true scholor and had a talent that outstripped many, many people. I hope that by reading his works, and soon other classics it will give me ideas and influence my writting to reach a higher level. Granted at this time it is little poems and short burst of prose with a occasional TW bit, but someday my ultimate goal is to write someting that truely pleases me, and hopefully reaches someone and makes them feeling something other than "that's $7 I can't get back."
Another thing, my photography. I have neglected it far to much as of late and I am starting to feel as though I am getting rusty. There used to be a time when I would see a photo in every moment of everyday in every object. I am hoping Korea will give me the oppertunity to reconnect with that part of me and maybe lead me to a past self that was....better. On that note...