Jun 13, 2005 11:40
Did you know that the moon has a British accent?
It's quite charming really. She and I had a friendly little chat last night. I was walking 'round the backside of the pond. I was throwing little pebbles into the still water watching how a single solitary minuscule item could cause such a stir. It started of small, the ripples, then would carry on throughout, radiating from it's single point, till it reached the bank on all ends of the now ruptured body of water. The lilies nearest me bobbed and moved with the motion and eventually would stop once the effect took place. It didn't look like they were affected. Didn't look like they had been disturbed, but they were. For a moment, they were changed, moved, in action, never to be completely the same again. But once it was all over and done with, the lilies were just fine. The same. Unhurt and continued it's existence in peace, till I threw another rock in. Staring at the calmness of the water, I saw the reflection of the thin sliver of moon towards the front of the pond. I looked up and saw her in all of her radiating beauty. No matter how much she tries to hide, I knew how lovely she was. I sat down near the bank of the water, propped my knees up, and rested my arms there. Looking at my fingertips. I looked up at the moon, oh... her name is Luna by the way. Did you expect Marcia or Alyssa? I looked up at Luna and took a moment to capture her beauty in my mind. I thought about her. Her phases, her cycles and how she affects us all. She looked down from her celestial orbit and smiled upon me. She knew I had something on her mind, and her calming charm persuaded me to talk to her.
"Such a beauty in the sky, you are. How is it that you look down upon me tonight?"
"Thank you, lovely. I always appreciate the compliments from you. I watch you every clear evening. Just to see how you are and make sure you're alright. But I see that you're troubled tonight. What causes you such dismay?"
"Oh, it's nothing I can't handle. Nothing to bother you with."
"I am here every night darling. Every night, whether you see me or not, I am here, looking at you when you come outside and gaze up at me. I see you, your troubled eyes. I have heard your whispers of love. Of fear. Of uncertainty. I let you be in your solitude, knowing that you don't talk of such things, but tonight I beg the question. What troubles you so?"
"Why. Why, is my only question. Why did she come to be part of my life?"
To this she replied, "My dearest. Every once in a while even I have to stop hiding who I am and have to show the world what I am truly am capable of being."
I rolled my eyes at her cryptic message, and all she did was chuckle. I sighed and picked a piece of grass only to throw it back down.
I looked up at her again, only to see the concern she had for me. I could tell that if she could have left her spot to come down long enough to hug me, she would have. But alas, she could only give me her wisdom from where she remained. I had so much in my mind, so many questions, so many things I wanted to get out, to cry about, to beg for answers, to give me reasons. But you can't quite bother the moon with all these things. I'm sure she has plenty of her own troubles, and need'nt be bothered with so many of mine. I thought about all the moments she has seen me though. Her silent presence being my only comfort in the middle of the night, her reflected light illuminating my tears in the still of the darkness. The only other soul up at the hour that I was, the only one to see me cry, to hear my prayers, to listen to my pleas.
"Luna, my guiding light. Is she worth it all?"
"That's not the question you are really asking, is it?"
"... no."
"Then ask me what you really are concerned about. Ask me the question that you really want the answer for."
"Do I truly deserve to be happy?"