Mar 18, 2005 11:22
Yesterday i was in the ermergency room from 1 in the morning to 8:30 its funny because i went there for a really bad ear ache and it turns out i have a bad inner ear infection and my breathing is abnormal. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me a lot of pain killers and other medications, they gave me a breathing treatment. And whenever i tried to sleep a doctor would come in and take my blood pressure and I had to keep the blood pressure thing on and the IV so I had to keep both arms strait and try to sleep on my back which I never do so I practically got no sleep yesterday. The doctor said I have to stay home for 4 days and not swim for 10 or more day and I have to go back next thursday. They gave me a whole bunch of medication, I got painkillers, 2 other things for my ears, and new inhalers because my breathing was off and allergy medicine which I don't think I need but they said I did. And I didn't even get sleep today because I woke up at night because the pain medicine wasn't working anymore so I had to take it again and it takes forever to work because it's a pill so I was up for a while, and i can't go back to sleep because it's too bright in my room. And I have a bruise from where the IV was that hurts when i touch it so this is pretty gay and it takes me forever to type because I keep messing up so i'm done for today.