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Re: и все же? eryv December 26 2014, 20:47:59 UTC
Вот небольшая подборка свежей литературы с цитатами:

In particular we observed a masculinization of female behavior in two behavioral categories (play with females and sociosexual exploration), an effect probably mediated by the estrogenic activity of BPA in the CNS.

At both testing ages, pre- and postnatally exposed females showed evidence of increased anxiety and were less prone to explore a novel environment relative to the control females, showing a behavioral profile more similar to control males than females.

Importantly, low doses of BPA (2 µg and 20 µg) generally led to a loss or reversal of sex differences in ER-related gene expression evident in vehicle-treated offspring
(greater in females than in males)

BPA females spent less time in the empty chamber, thus producing social scores similar to control males.

These results suggest that prenatal BPA exposure may be associated with externalizing behaviors in 2-year-old children, especially among female children.

Maternal BPA during pregnancy was associated with hyperactivity, increased aggression and anxiety, poor inhibition and emotional control in young girls, but not boys.

In this study, gestational BPA exposure affected behavioral and emotional regulation domains at 3 years of age, especially among girls.


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