[ hmm. what a familiar voice to hear while waiting for her late evening dinner guest to arrive.
buffy wants to filter this but...no, there's no immediate excuse to. dammit. she'll have to risk it but hopefully the pirate's well and busy with his norrington-impersonating. ]
I'm starting to think we'll never get lucky in that department.
[ buffy usually gets one of her adept friends to help her in that corner -- aerith, perhaps. but she's not about to go selling her friends out to the CRAZY LADY. ]
Maybe you'll get lucky and we'll have actually gotten a pro this round. Maybe they'll open a salon.
[Um, WOW. SO NOT CRAZY. Just slightly sanity challenged, okay.]
I can only hope. [Grell sights and can be heard flicking something against the wall with a dull thump.] It's starting to get boring here again and I do so poorly when I'm bored.
Ever considered an alternative hobby? [ preferably one that doesn't involve making her pirate tremble like a terrified little leaf. like, say... ] Knitting?
[ oh. feeling as investigatory as ever, buffy might as well be hanging on grell's every word. some people are motivated by gold and others by renown; buffy gets her boost from those clues and bits of info needed to put the puzzle together and save the day. she's come to crave the heroism. ]
...A task? Must've been a pretty big deal. Your standards've gotta be high.
It was... As was the woman I had partnered with. A charming woman. Absolutely stunning. The most beautiful creature man had ever created. [Is that a tinge of regret? Sadness? Or simply just Grell trailing off like usual?] ...Ah well, the task is over and I've not a thing to do but file my nails and wonder when the Malnosso are going to drop another unpleasant experiment upon us.
buffy wants to filter this but...no, there's no immediate excuse to. dammit. she'll have to risk it but hopefully the pirate's well and busy with his norrington-impersonating. ]
I'm starting to think we'll never get lucky in that department.
[Hello, Buffy. Hello indeed.]
How is it that we've so many residents and not a single stylist?
They simply don't know how to treat a woman.
The Malnosso, not the heroes. Heroes tend to be rather good at that.
I do manicures, but I'm not about to cut my own hair even if I could.
Maybe you'll get lucky and we'll have actually gotten a pro this round. Maybe they'll open a salon.
I can only hope. [Grell sights and can be heard flicking something against the wall with a dull thump.] It's starting to get boring here again and I do so poorly when I'm bored.
[Another sigh.]
I never thought I would miss working this much.
I had the most lovely task before I came here, but it ended so abruptly and I've been left wanting ever since.
...A task? Must've been a pretty big deal. Your standards've gotta be high.
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