On Friday Cutie McMermaid received this fortune in her cookie at dinner:
If your desires are not extravagant, they will be granted. (in bed.) CMcM summarized: "settle!"
Last week a car blew up in a carport and set the building next to mine on fire. The official news report just said a car caught fire, but SOMETHING exploded because there was a boom and the whole building shook. No glass blew out until a few minutes later- can't figure that out. My neighbor even looked it up as an earthquake on the
USGS site. Luckily no one was hurt, but it took two hours for the 3 fire engines to put out the fire.
Lately I've had a serious youtube addiction. My newest favorite:
Click to view
I'm moving soon- a week from tomorrow I get the key to my new place.
Number of boxes currently packed: 3
Number still not packed: 30 trabillion