
Nov 09, 2008 12:04

Yeah... my weekend thus far....

- I end up hanging out with my friend Heather and Jace at Starbucks. We sit there for a while talking about everything and nothing at the same time. I am sure other people have had conversations like that. Then we decided to walk down/across the street a little ways to go to Barnes and Nobles because I wanted a new book! We walk in and we see these things called "Elves in a Box". So we laugh at the stupid little things for a bit and then I tralala off to find some books.
I bought 2 manga's Gakuen Alice book 3 and then I bought Love.Com number 7. I had already read the Love.Com one but I had to actually buy it because I love that series. Which reminds me, I need to see if they have the movie on Crunchyroll.
Anyways I also bought Ink Death by Cornelia Funk (great book series, I believe this is the last book) and I also bought the Movie Mania Magazine or whatever that talks all about Twilight , and a bit about Harry Potter ! OHHH!

So as I was going to buy them I saw this Hello Kitty Note book and it had a metal front and back and came with a pen. Jace was standing with me and I said "OH! Erin needs this" and he said "Does Erin always speak in 3rd person?" and I replied, "Only when Erin REALLY wants something" lol (I didn't get it though) but then the lady at the counter says "Does Erin watch Project Runway?" I told her yes and then she said "Did Erin like Suede?" I told her no (Suede talks in 3rd person) She said that she did. Anyways then she starts to ring up my things and just randomly says "You know what I want for Christmas?" and I look at her and I am all like "Uh no?!" then she says "I want some crazy person to come in and buy all of those damn elves in a box." By this time I am like WHOA! Crazy chick! Just give me my books and let me leave PLEASE! Oh no but she wasn't done "I know your sister!" she said. I was all like "Oh that’s nice" She basically ended up talking about how great my sister is and all this crap and I was thinking to myself that I HAD NEVER seen this person in my life. I looked at her name tag her name was Chris, and that rang a bell somewhere, but again I HAD NO CLUE. But anyways... it was odd!

Then we all left and basically went home after that. (Eventually)

So I had planned to hang out with Mrs. Rachel, Mrs. Mickey, and Brandi (grew up with all of them) playing some arousing games either cards or board games. However that didn't end up panning out. So Brandi calls me and tells me that she and Katie are going out downtown and wanted to know I wanted to come. So I say yeah sure! So she comes and picks me up (we live like 1 minute from each other it saves on gas) and we head down town. The first bar we go to is actually the ale house which is also a restaurant. We go up stairs where the drinking is, and we FINALLY get inline to get a drink. All of a sudden this guy puts his arm around me and introduces me to the guys that he's with. And then gives me a Sharpie marker and tells me to get an autograph. I am just standing there don't know what’s going on and then I am like "An autograph from whom?" And the point to the man standing next to me. I look up and I am like "HOLY SHIT IT'S MARQUES MURRELL FROM THE NY JETS!" And they just laughed. (now I would only know this thanks to my dear friend Heather who is obsessed with Brent Farve, so we have checked out the team all season. lol So this guy is like What are you drinking I tell him and he gives it to me and told me to come back anytime I want a drink. I said OKAY!
My friend Brandi turns around and give me the drink I had actually ordered, so now I have to drinks. AH! So we go eventually sit down and start talking and I finally finish my drink and

Katie and Brandi are ready to go so we go to the "Blue Hare" next which is like a sports bar.
We walk the 7 or 8 blocks to it of course it's Columbia so it's all up hill, but I found some really cute stores on the way there! ANYWAYS we get there and we all go to the potty. Then we sit down at the bar and I order them both drink (just so you don't think I am a drunkard, I was drinking Bud Light, so I had 3 beers) and myself one too, and we are just sitting there talking minding our own business and then you hear something like someone being electrocuted. We turn around and this guy is TAZING this other guy for shits and giggles. FOR FUN?! And to make matter worse, the guy who is getting tazed his handicapped and doesn't have a leg and then you hear a bunch of laughter and a women yells "YOU GUYS TAZED HIM IN THE NUB!" Poor guy got thrown to the floor. So everyone is laughing and the three of us are just sitting there completely dumb founded. So a few minutes later the guy who tazed the handicapped guy is walking around and the handy capped guy tazes him in the ass. Which was kind of funny but only because he deserved it. Then this older guy gets the tazer and is all like I bet it doesn't even hurt and tazed himself WHAT A FUKCING IDIOT! And before we leave the bar, because we just don't want to be around that stupid crap another guy gets it. They told us as they left, dont' work girls, we won't get ya'll, we keep it in the family.
The tazer belonged to one of the guys who was a bartender there. Those were all of his friends and stuff. So yeah.... out! We left and walked back to our cars.

That's my weekend thus far. NOW, I am going to go get ready, to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra . YAY!

On another note, I really need change my user Moods. These starts tick me off!

drinks, tazer, katie, brandi

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