Oct 12, 2007 10:00
So last night I called my mom to be all happy and say "Oh mom I got a part in a play" lalala... she says "oh thats nice" in the most drone kind of speach I have ever heard her use... so this is more of the converstation
"Mom are you okay?"
"No, I have some bad news for you Erin."
"Oh,?" *very nervous now*
"Yes you failed your test by one point again"
Of course I am sorry to thoes who are reading this with the cursing but today I am not in the mood to play it nice sorry
I just DON'T understand... how can I fail the test by one point again.. I TOTALLY FINISHED IT THIS TIME! what I rip off! I did about 3/4's of it last time and failed by one point
OMG! I am so upset and angry and I just want to shut every good thing out of my life
Because I have one more time to take it this semester... if I don't pass it.. guess what I don't student teach AGAIN... oh and at that point.. I am just going to graduate in whatever I can graduate in... and not give a flying fuck about the education degree I have worked so fucking hard on...
I have ONLY EVER wanted to be a teacher.
stupid fucking test.
The only good thing I can say is I love my avatar I made for Camden and me!