Keep on truckin'

Jan 21, 2007 08:09

I'm nearly done with edits for "The Pack." I now have, officially, five beta-readers/editors who've volunteered their time to read the second draft of the book and tell me what needs fixing and what can stand as it is.

Admittedly, I'm a bit nervous about sending it out into the big, bad world and letting people rip it to shreds. But, that's what I'm looking for - non-biased editing. If it sucks, I''m hoping they'll say so. Because, worst case scenario, "The Pack" becomes one of those manuscripts lurking in the bottom drawer of the desk and I move on to Nessa's story.

Nessa, incidentally, has become even more pushy about getting her voice out into the world. I literally have to fight to stop myself from plopping down and writing the first couple chapters of Nessa's story (still no title for it, *sigh*) because I know if I get going on that, I won't ever get my edits done on "The Pack." D'oh!

Nessa - and Tristan, and Quilla, and Lucas, and Quinlan - are all so much more three-dimensional to me. I can see them all much more clearly than my characters in "The Pack." I don't know if that means the story will be stronger, or if it just means I identify with these characters more. Who knows? I am definitely enjoying every visit from Nessa and Co., though.

Right, back to work. I have to feed the puppies and get those edits completed.
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