New Blackberry

Aug 05, 2009 00:55

"A memory card will survive a wash machine, the BlackBerry will probably not..." -Awesome Alltel Lady
So, I got this new blackberry for free because it was time for an upgrade - although i had to change around some things in my calling plan so not absolutely free. It still felt nice being able to walk out of the store not having to pay anything at that time.
It's pretty and red (which is my favorite) but lacks a name. Kate is my main laptop whom I've had since Senior year then there's Ziva her soon to be replacement when Kate fails me, Thomas is the female voice from the nav system in my car since she always seems to have something to say. And the list goes on.
Anyway, since I spend so much time on it with the unlimited internet (i frequent downloading free ringtones) and awesome mp3 player I figure it should have a title. Something to represent it's awesomeness.
So, any ideas?

Edit: Maybe "Abby" since I already have the other ncis girls


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