Dec 20, 2004 20:57
So I'm kicking exams asses this year. I know for a fact I got an A in English and my other ones arent til Wednesday so basically have a day off. Havent updated in a hella long time but not much really happened. Made some new friends at many other schools and one in Cocoa who is visiting me tomorrow, very excite cause hes really cute. Got in touch with Tory Robinson again and thats pretty sweet cause I havent talked to him since 8th grade. Christmas is in 5 days, helll yes!
So last year I had problems with girls doing shit to me, actually it was more the summer, while Whit was getting shit from girls last school year. Got my house egged and whatnot but thats all over and I'm pretty much friends with everyone and I love not having any enemies. So now I guess stupid fucks have to mess with my sisters. Stupid Shelby is extremely immature and stupid and is messing with my little sister. What the hell my sister is a sophomore, dated Saul last year, does not like him anymore and is not trying to steal him from Skinny whore chicken legs Shelby. I guess since nobody is her size in our grade she has to resort to a little sophomore. Grow up dumbass, is she that inconfident with herself that she has to be gay to Sauls ex girlfriends. I'm sorry if anyone is friends with her but I cant stand her.
Then yes I know me and Joc dont really get along some times, and actually I truely hate her sometimes but the things my old neighbor has people doing to her is absolutely rediculous and really gets to me. I'm outraged and wanna kick some ass but the fatass that is messing with her will sit on me and crush me. Last night Joc went to her boyfriends house and Elizabeth had one of her friends go over there and she confronted Joc when she was going to her car and Joc..not a fighter type..didnt want anything to do with it and tried to walk away. The girls spit in her face and tried to break into her car while she was trying to leave. What the fuck thats out of control. I know that shit happened to Elizabeth but Joc didnt do it. I dont know I'm just overwhelmed with the way some people treat people. Its stupid.
Might I mention that I absolutely love Whitney. We hung out last weekend and I had so much fun. The entire weekend of just us and we just did things we used to and I loved it. I couldnt possily ask for any other better friend. Wouldnt change any of the times we've had for the world! <3<3