Okay...I can't restrain any longer.

Oct 07, 2005 20:56

I joined thefridayfive

1. How long have you had your LiveJournal/blog?

I've had this one since June 3, 2003...but the excitement of creating a new blog was quickly overshadowed by Pete and I deciding to start dating...

2. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your LiveJournal/blog?

Just a place to write something if I need to.  It could be a thought, a meme, a rant, something that stood out in my mind...or maybe just my own personal soapbox.  It's my rules here and it's really the one place on the internet where I can run it the way I want to and not because I need to look out for other people.

3. If you could change something about your personal blogging style, what would it be?

There really isn't anything I'd like to change.  Maybe I could actually write more often but that's not realated to style.  I don't know...my style feels natural to me.  And I think I write about a variety of topics rather then constantly talking about how much my life sucks...because it doesn't suck...most of the time.

4. What are your criteria for adding someone to your friends list/blog roll?

If I've known them for a long time...maybe even met them in real life.  Or if they write a lot of comments.  If they're that interested in what I have to say...then the least I could do is friend them back and see what they have to say.  Otherwise, it's all intuition...do I feel like adding them at the moment.

5. Name one thing that you've never before written about in your LJ/blog.

I've never revealed my last name in a public entry.  I revealed it in a private entry because of a guy that was very prominant in local news at the time who had the same last name as me...and I wanted to vent about how we're not related.

But both privately and publicly...I don't think I've ever mentioned what town I'm currently residing in.

friday five

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