Britain needs a ginger revolution - Monbiot can be a tit, but I like this article. Although I prefer the term "Graphite Revolution" that someone else used, from the pencils we use too cast our vote. ;)
Who's Afraid of a Hung Parliament? - Tory supporter in The Spectator pointing out that a hung parliament isn't actually THAT scary.
Tory attack video full of lies - "Several Tory claims, in a video titled “What happens in 1 Minute of Labour” are seriously inaccurate and misleading - some by factors of nearly 400 per cent."
Bail out local news, Jeremy Dear- Is profit really is the best guarantor of media quality and independence?
British Identity and the Legacy of Empire - Thinky thoughts on where we are in world.
‘Should have never put me with that woman’-gate - This.
On the subject of "Bigot-gate" (-gate suffix is annoying!), speaking as an Eastern European immigrant, Gillian Duffy's lumping together of all Eastern European immigrants as an amorphous mass that's apparently flocking here from somewhere or other did display ignorant bigotry. We're apparently all the same and we all come from somewhere, you know, Eastern, and she really doesn't really know where. But apparently we're responsible for fucking everything up in this country. That is a bigoted view to hold. It just is.
I am what Eastern European immigrants look like, I am one of THEM, and yeah I know, I'm not even like dark skinned or anything! And hey, isn't it bizarre, that I don't talk funny or smell weird! But woooooo aren't I scary?! I'm coming to take your job!!! Run away, run away now!!! I might breathe foreignness on you! Or force you eat paprika with every meal!
*epic eyeroll*
So, hey, bigots! Get to know a real Eastern European immigrant today, instead of believing the ignorant lies out there about us and lumping us all into a mass of otherness that you can blame your problems on! Then after that maybe we could have a real and intelligent debate about how we handle immigration from now on...
ETA: interesting tidbit for anyone who would try to counter my rant with the idea that I'm okay because I was born here and I'm well integrated into British culture, according to the Daily Mail (a newspaper which
proudly supported the Nazis in the 30's), being born here and integrated isn't enough. According them, I'm not British at all, and neither are my nephews who were born here to an English mother.
Son of ETA: Just thought it would be amusing to add in this picture of me from Hub 4 (recent Torchwood con):
Now she was related to half of Europe!