Hang 'Em - Non-partisan campaign organised by various groups who've been working for a written constitution for Britain and for electoral reform. Basically, they're giving info on minority parties and decent main party candidates who we could vote for in order to bring about a hung parliament, after which we demand real electoral reform and then another election. Possibly the least worst of all possible options right now. There may just be an actual third way. It's not ideal but I'm coming round to this as an actual way to get the First-Past-The-Post system reformed.
Intelligence Squared - Organisation for debating current issues.
It's time for voters to wake up and get real lol, the Daily Mail are flat out shitting themselves at the prospect of an election upset for the Tories. Even their own commenter's are calling them on their shit.
New Tory campaign poster - let's cut benefits A 'Big Society' where people all volunteer to help each other, right? Nasty party.
Brown trains his sights on a 'new politics' - with the help of the Lib Dems Brown accidentally scares us all by making a good idea sound crap. Demand number #1 any Lib-Lab coalition must NOT result in Gordon Brown remaining as PM.
Nick Clegg's rise could lock Murdoch and the media elite out of UK politics Completely LOLworthy. Ex-Sun editor comes out against Murdoch and offers a distinctly left-field reason to vote Lib Dem.
Even harsher new ESA medical approved Thanks to Sueworld for this link. How not to create a better, fairer society. More reasons to demand a third option instead.
Heaven: A fool's paradise In a break from election links, apparently Heaven's probably not what you think it is.