Doctor Who: TSE *spoilers*

Jun 30, 2008 12:52

So I'm sitting on the sofa with BF watching the Doctor and Rose cheesily running towards each other.... an evil grins starts to spread across my face and I turn to the BF. I say just one word. "Dalek?" He turns and grins back just as evily. "Definitely." He replies. Sometimes I think the BF is much more of a DW fan than he lets on (he'd so deny it! *grin*)

What I didn't like:
  • I HATED the bit where Harriet Jones does her in-joke with the Daleks. I'm sitting there with my head in my hands going "don't do it, please don't do it. Please don't debase the Daleks with that dumb joke". But they did. *sigh* (BF rewinds tape... Him: "You were talking over it!" ME: "Yes! I was doing it deliberately! Don't make me watch it again!" He does. I put my fingers in my ears.)
  • Jack leaving Gwen and Ianto... AND taking the biggest gun! Gee thanks sweetums, love you too!  (and SJ leaving Luke, although he does at least have fancy smart computer and his big brain to defend him). And uh, guys, how about deadlocking the hub? Daleks in the hub = pretty cool but surely that place should be better defended that just a couple of machine guns?! You guys collect alien tech... that's the best you can do? Let them wander right in and then fire a few bullets at them? Seriously?! Several people have pointed out that Jack may not have realised that the Daleks were coming for them (that Gwen kinda kept it form him) but still he could have told them to seal it all up, activate hub self defense mechanisms, sit tight... and break out the really really big guns just in case.
What I liked:
  • The look on Donna's face when Rose and the Doctor are heading towards each other. She's so happy for him. It was dead sweet.
  •  Defenders of the Earth conference call. lol
  • Jack and Ianto being all jealous. I really don't know when I started shipping them, but I so do!
  •  Harriet Jones getting a shot of redemption, but still maintaining her principles (she did wrong before, but for sensible - although not very nice - reasons). I actually hope she is dead because her sacrificing herself  like that was so cool. I worry that she isn't.
  • Ianto piping up in the conference call. Go Ianto!
  • Wilf being all pro-active with the paintball gun... and it not working. D'oh!
  • Rose saving Donna's family. Nice touch.
  • Rose hanging around the edges watching events (and getting a bit jealous)... with her great big gun.
  • Donna standing up to be counted as a human.
  • The make up on Davros. Nicely creepy.
  • Dalek Caan. lol, now this is utterly wrong... but he was so sweet! I want a Dalek Caan cuddly toy that when you squeeze it comes out with silly convoluted prophecies!
  • The special effects. The planets were so pretty and the Dalek ship coming over the rooftop shooting was cool. They weren't exactly realistic (sort of 50's alien invasion movie) but they looked great.
  • "Clom's gone? Who'd want Clom?"
  • The bees are aliens! Well, some of them. *grin*
  • Random human guy sends his family into their house and bravely takes on the Daleks... but, instead of killing him, the Dalek's destroy the house with his family in it. Shocking. Chilling. Evil. Fan-bloody-tastic!
  • Gwen and Ianto's faces when they're shooting at the Daleks.
  • The Doctor tried to save Davros in the Time War! That's so very him.
  • How everyone was in it AND everyone was involved in some way. In The Doctor's Daughter Martha was there but she felt underused... this time they had so many people but no one felt especially underused. They all had their place where they fit and where they could try to help. All the parts came together.
  • The cosmic phone call. It was silly, it really was but the pulses going up the Watertower and out from the Earth made me giggle.I just can't dislike it.
  • The reactions of the Defenders to each other.
  • Project Indigo taking Martha home. Sweet. Nice to see her mum reacting so well in light of another alien invasion.
What I'm not sure about just yet:
  • Osterhagen Key... Maguffin's are always a bit worrying. Could go either way.
  • The Shadow Proclamation... a bit shit so far? There's what... two of them and about 6 Judoon? Cool space station mind. There was something nicely old skool about it all. Next ep we need a few more of them...
  • Medusa Cascade... bit of a disapointment so far after all the throwaway lines and the fan speculation. More please.
  • Slight hand wave about how the Daleks got out of the sealed Time War. Caan did something and went bonkers... alrighty! lol
  • Donna hearing a drum-like heartbeat.
  • Mr Copper Foundation. He was the guy who got all that money at the end of Voyage of the Titanic. Hmmm.
  • Regeneration... now if ever there was a wait and see moment, this is it! I've read some spoilers, I've read some speculation... I'm gonna wait and see. :-)
  • Rose freaking out about the regeneration. I can understand her being upset. She's just found him again and she knows that it changes a person, even if he still loves her. The problem with being in love with the Doctor... he may be near as dammit immortal, but you can still lose the one you love.  On the other hand, please be making less with the overacting! 
  • "To. Be. Continued." - lol!! Overdoing it much?! Was funny though.

Ooh, and my Torchwood Season Two DVD just arrived! Forgotten that was due! What a nice surprise. :-) And perfect timing  to get Kai to sign it a couple of weeks time.

doctor who

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