No one will ever know...

Aug 07, 2013 15:22

... How wrong and painful it is to work surrounded by Brits that don't watch Doctor Who.

I am not kidding unfortunately. I work with 9 English boys in their early/mid twenties (we are 24 on board when off charter and 26 when on charter so it's basically 1/3 of the crew) and I asked - and still ask when someone new joins us - each one of them if they were fans and I always received the same answer... "NO"!

The day after the BBC announced the name of the new Doctor I was in the Crew Mess, eating lunch and on the news I heard the announcement for the second time (I knew it already thanks to my friend Elisa that posted the joyful news on my wall on Facebook) and I got all excited again but in a reserved kind of way because I knew what was about to happen... When the telly said the 2 words "doctor" and "who" everyone, literally EVERYONE, who was in the room turned to look at me like, instead of saying Peter Capaldi, the anchorman said Erika Patoni...

I didn't know what to di exactly so I started ranting a little bit about how awesome Peter Capaldi is and other random infos about the guy... Silence was waiting for me at the end of my speech... I could swear I heard some cricket singing far away on land...

I love them all anyway, (and they could say the same thing about me) but it's crazy for me to think we are around the same age but they never watched the show... They know about it because, I guess, the media in the UK must go down pretty hard with everything about the Show and what surrounds it, but still they think it's a show for kids and it's kind of lame... :( or maybe they know it is actually AWESOME and they just want to make fun of me... *Ery here is in denial

Back to the name of the 12th Doctor... I have to say I didn't expect it AT ALL! I admit I found out about the announcement by reading jaded_jamie journal the other day, when I decided it was time for me to come back on the interwebs after all this time. I tried for so long not to get too involved with Doctor Who after the last season because I didn't want to loose my mind thinking and waiting for the 50th anniversary episode and - I think - I will try not to look around for spoilers of any kind... I know already what I wanted to know about it anyway... HE is going to be there and he's not going to be alone... I am so HAPPY about it!!!

But still, back to the 12th Doctor... I love Peter Capaldi, he was fantastic on TW and I think it will make an utterly brilliant Doctor... Now, I just hope he is not going to be surrounded by kids after Clara... I'm not interested in another Sarah Jane, thankyouverymuch! If the next companion will be another girl I would want a slightly young girl and, why not, something Martha' style... For an underage, unrequited love... I would accept this kind if thing this time :)... But I am also okay with everything The Moff will decide because he already choose the best possible Doctor Ever (after David)...

And now I am so curios now about his style... I cannot wait to watch him in action but first the 50th anniversary episode! That is what I look very much forward to... I am saving all my tears for that!!! :)

Bye for now...

life: ery!verse, tv show: doctor who, via ljapp

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