As I said yesterday I've made a Bradley James Christmas Video! A few days ago
rageandpride asked me to do this video for her WONDERFUL fansite about Bradley: . I'm so glad she asked me to to this because this was a request for her site (I'm a huge fan of her fansites *___*) and not only for her, that's made me happy so I worked on it with all my determination! I'm pretty satisfy of the results! I didn't have so much material and was dificoult follow the lyrics but I like it!
Thant's also not a sad video, is pretty funny tho. I really hope you like it!
So many first times for this video.
1. My first request EVER
2. My first Christmas Video
3. My first video about only one person!
Youtube &&
Download Subject: Bradley James
Spoiler: Merlin 2x12, Merlin: Secrets and Magic 1x12, The Real Merlin and Arthur, Merlin extra DVD season 1
Song: All I Want For Christmas Is You by Olivia Olson
Clips from: Merlin, Merlin Secrets and Magic, Merlin extra DVD season 1
Note: My first request EVER from Arwen: owner of some of the images used in this video(and in the banner) thanks to: , , , , DO NOT POST OR EMBED THE VIDEO ELESEWHERE, PLEASE LINK BACK TO THE SITE OR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!